- Mastering Adobe Captivate 8 | Packt

- Mastering Adobe Captivate 8 | Packt

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It is very easy in use. In the digital world, powerful e-learning software supports much and many languages including in English, German, Korean, Spanish, French, Japanese, and Portuguese and more other.

During making presentation back, the ground color scheme makes attractive and famous presentation in other people. It is very easy to use. Simple interface with attractive themes. Adobe captivate 8 is fully offline installed software.

Latest features you can create fully responsive content using innovative Fluid Boxes, and it can you do automatically. Add more interactive to your course with drop and drag modules, live video streaming or you tube video streaming and in course web searching adobe captivate demo.

Hard disk space needs 5GB. It supports all operating system windows 7, 8, 8. It Supports 32 and bit operating system. The application has been set to give you two chances to perform each action correctly. In order to experience the branching concept hands on, preview the entire project again but, this time, give yourself a break and perform the wrong actions at each and every step of the simulation don't worry, it is not graded!

You will see that the application reacts differently and shows you things that were not shown when the right actions were performed! That's branching in action! This second sample application features pretty much the same Captivate objects as the demonstration you experienced earlier. Only the mouse had to be replaced by interactive objects.

Three of those interactive objects have the ability to stop the course and wait for the learner to interact. All these interactive objects can implement the branching concept.

Using these objects will be covered in Chapter 6 , Working with Interactive Objects. Both the Encoder demonstration and simulation are based on screenshots. To create these sample applications, the first two steps of the production process described earlier have been used. In step one the capture step , the actions have been actually performed in the real Adobe Media Encoder; they were recorded by Captivate behind the scenes. In step two the postproduction step , the course has been edited in Captivate.

Sound and closed captions were added, video was imported, the title and ending slides were created, timing was adjusted, and so on. I even imported a slide created in Microsoft PowerPoint! Use the File Open menu item and open the drivingInBe. When done, return to Captivate and use the Preview icon again to preview the entire project a second time. Answer the questions differently from the first time. You will have yet another experience of the branching concept.

This third sample application is very different from the projects you have experienced so far. It is not really a demonstration or a simulation. It is none of it and a bit of both at the same time. As you can see, the borderline between a demonstration and a simulation is sometimes very difficult to spot! When it comes to sound, this movie makes use of the Text-to-Speech engine of Captivate.

Text-to-Speech is a great alternative to quickly create the sound clips you need, but the quality of the speech is not as good as when a real human being speaks in front of a good old microphone! This application is not based on screenshots and does not teach software-related skills. Instead, each slide has been created one by one, right in Captivate. This application is also much more sophisticated than the Encoder applications.

Advanced actions and variables are used throughout the project to power the dynamic features such as the name of the student appearing in a text caption. It also features the certificate interaction on the last slide only if you pass the quiz! But the most impressive feature of this particular project is probably the Quiz , one of the brightest and most popular Captivate tools. The project contains eight question slides. Six of these are stored in a Question pool.

Each time the project is viewed, one question is shown to the student and a second one is randomly chosen from the question pool. That's why you did not experience the exact same quiz as the first time, when you previewed the application the second time. The Going Mobile project is a new responsive project. Responsive projects have been introduced in Captivate 8.

Use the File Open menu item and open the goingMobile. As soon as the project opens in Captivate, you should notice the extra ruler at the top of the stage. This extra ruler lets you switch between the three views of a responsive project as shown in the following screenshot:.

Click on the tablet icon 2 to switch to the Tablet view. Click on the mobile phone icon 3 to switch to the Mobile view. Finally, click on the desktop icon 1 to return to the Primary view. You have the basic idea behind the new responsive project features. It allows you to reposition and reformat each object in each of the three views, effectively optimizing your eLearning content for each type of mobile device.

Note that the Preview icon does not provide as many preview options when in a responsive project. This is because a responsive project can only be published in HTML5. All the Flash-based previewing options are therefore not available. Click on the Project option to preview the whole project. Unlike when in a regular Captivate project, when in a responsive project, navigating to Preview Project opens the default web browser.

Once the preview opens in the browser, use the buttons and the slider situated on top of the project as shown in the following screenshot to test the three views:. Note how each object is resized and repositioned as you move the slider. The project is able to adapt itself to the available viewport width and this is what responsive is all about!

Follow the onscreen instructions as if you were a learner taking the course for the first time. When you are done, close the browser and return to Captivate. These special previewing features are excellent to let you quickly test the responsiveness of your project during the development phase, but they have one major disadvantage. Because you preview the project using the default browser of your desktop or laptop computer, you can't actually experience the mobile situation to its full extent.

The ultimate test drive for such a project is to view it on a mobile device using a touchscreen and tap actions. If you have such a device available, the final version of this project can be viewed online. Make sure you go through the entire project using each of the devices you have. As you do so, notice the differences and the similarities between the desktop, tablet, and mobile experiences. The responsiveness of the project is based on the available viewport width, not on the detection of an actual device.

For example, when using a tablet in landscape mode, the project will most probably use the primary layout—even though you are using a tablet. If you have a big smartphone also known as a phablet , the tablet layout will be used instead of the mobile layout.

This is an interesting and complex topic that will be covered in more detail in Chapter 9 , Creating a Responsive Project. Video Demo mode is a special recording mode of Captivate that is used to produce. These files can easily be uploaded to online services such as YouTube, Vimeo, or Daily Motion for playback on any device including iPad, iPhone, and other Internet-enabled mobile devices.

Use the File Open menu item and open the encoderVideo. First, note that a Video Demo project does not use the same. It uses the. This is the first indication that this project is not going to behave as the other ones you have experienced so far. In addition to a specific file extension, Video Demo projects also have their own Captivate interface, as shown in the following screenshot:.

In the preceding screenshot, note the absence of the Filmstrip panel. A Video Demo project is not based on slides. Actually, it is a single big video file, so the Filmstrip panel makes no sense in a Video Demo project. In a video file, interactions are not possible. The file can only be experienced from start to finish in the order defined by the teacher.

In other words, it is said that a video file proposes a linear experience to the learner while branch-aware interactive projects propose a nonlinear experience. Therefore, interactive objects as well as quizzes and branching are not available in a Video Demo project. Take some time to inspect the rest of the interface. Try to spot the other differences between the regular Captivate interface and the interface used for Video Demos.

Only two options are available in the Preview icon! In the Preview dropdown, choose the Play Slide option. Use the File Close All menu item and close every open file. If prompted to save the changes, make sure you do not save the changes to these files. After viewing these sample applications, you should have a pretty good idea of the tools and general capabilities of Captivate.

Before moving on, let's summarize what you have learned from these movies:. Captivate is able to capture the actions you do on your computer and turn them into slides using a sophisticated capture engine based on screenshots.

A demonstration is a project in which the learner is passive and simply watches the onscreen action. A simulation is a project in which the user is active. Sound and video can be imported in Captivate. The application also features a Text-to-Speech engine and closed captioning. Question slides can be created in Captivate. These question slides can be stored in question pools to create random quizzes.

Other objects that can be included in a Captivate project include text captions, the highlight boxes, and so on. Captivate contains interactive objects. Three of these interactive objects are able to stop the playhead and wait for the user to interact with the course. A responsive project contains three different views to let you optimize your eLearning content for multi-screen delivery.

The responsive project feature is a new capability of Captivate 8. Video Demo projects use the. In the exercise folder you downloaded from the Web, you'll find the scenarios of these sample apps in PDF format in the scenarios folder. Take some time to read those documents and to compare them to the finished applications. When working with Captivate, the scenario is a very important document. Its goal is to guide you during the whole production process.

Thanks to the scenario, you'll always have the big picture of the entire project in mind. The scenario will also help you stay within the scope of your project. That being said, the scenario can, and probably will, evolve during the production process.

And this is a good thing! What is true in a classroom is also true in a Captivate project. After all, working in Captivate is all about teaching and, consequently, your scenario is nothing more than a guide.

In this chapter, you have been introduced to the four steps of a typical Captivate production process. You toured the application interface and learned how to customize it to fit your needs.

Thanks to the advanced interface mode and to the workspace feature, you have been able to save your customized interface as a new workspace in order to reapply your custom panel layout anytime you want to. Finally, you have been walked through the sample applications you will develop in this book, which gave you the first high-level overview of Captivate's rich set of features. In the next chapter, you will concentrate on the first step of the Captivate production process: the capture step.

You will learn various techniques used to capture the slides and you will discover the inner working of Captivate's capture engine. You will also learn about tips and tricks that will help you take a first critical decision—choosing the right size for your project. The title of the book you are reading is Mastering Adobe Captivate 8.

In order to truly "master" a piece of software, I'm convinced that one must be introduced to the community that supports it. At the end of each chapter is a Meet the community section that will introduce you to a key member of the community. By the end of the book, you'll have known the names, blog addresses, twitter handles of some of the most influential members of the Captivate and eLearning community.

I hope these resources will jump start your own Captivate career and, who knows, your own involvement in the community. Pooja is one of the Adobe eLearning evangelists. In particular, she is one of the main contributors to the official Adobe Captivate blog and to the Captivate page on Facebook.

Pooja also organizes free Captivate trainings and webinars. This was my first experience in Asia and I'll never forget it! Thank you Pooja! Pooja Jaisingh has worked for more than 14 years as a teacher trainer, eLearning instructional designer, and, currently, is a senior eLearning evangelist with Adobe Systems.

Pooja's core strengths are communication and innovation. In all her roles, she has promoted eLearning as a mode of delivery and has created a host of eLearning courses.

In her current role, she conducts numerous seminars and workshops, educating training folks on the features of Adobe Systems' eLearning products. She regularly blogs, initiating creative discussions on multiple opportunities in eLearning.

Twitter : poojajaisingh. Damien Bruyndonckx is the founder and the CEO of One2Learn, a Belgian company specialized in content development, instructional video, virtual classrooms, and training on the leading eLearning content creation tools. Active in the eLearning industry for over 15 years, Damien has worked with many different customers and LMS implementations. He is a long-time Adobe partner and serves as an instructor for the official Adobe Captivate certification program. About this book Adobe Captivate is used to create highly engaging, interactive eLearning content.

Publication date: April Publisher Packt. Pages ISBN Chapter 1. Getting Started with Adobe Captivate 8. Discover the available options to obtain Captivate Discover the general steps of the Captivate production process Tour the all new Captivate 8 interface Work with panels and workspaces View the finished sample applications. Obtaining Captivate.

The Captivate perpetual license. The Captivate subscription. Tip Captivate and the Creative Cloud If you already have a Creative Cloud subscription, you'll need another subscription for Captivate. Captivate in Technical Communication Suite. The first look at a typical production workflow.

Step zero — the preproduction phase. Desktop Enhancements. Networking Software. Software Coupons. Download Now. Premium Upgrade. Adobe Captivate trial requires a free Adobe membership available at the Adobe Web site.

Developer's Description By Adobe Systems. Full Specifications. What's new in version Release. Smart eLearning design Fluid boxes Auto-migrate from non-mobile to mobile Adobe Typekit Integration Responsive sliders Responsive text support Customizable closed captions Device-specific previews.

Release July 26, Date Added July 26, Version Release. Operating Systems. Operating Systems Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8. Additional Requirements This product may integrate with or allow access to certain Adobe or third-party hostedonline services "Online Services". Total Downloads 20, Downloads Last Week Report Software.


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  A demonstration is a project in which the learner is passive and simply watches the onscreen action.    


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